Collage Creative | Turns 3!
Business is all about relationships; how well you build them determines how well you will do in business…
Personally, I think that this statement represents only a fraction of the formula that is needed to ensure “continued existence” as a business owner.
It has been my experience that without a sincere desire to get up and work hard/smart each and every day (regardless of how good or bad the weather may be), your business may not survive the terrible twos!
If you can deliver on all of the promises you make; remain focused and disciplined; surround yourself with like-minded people (suppliers; clients; friends; mentors and family); have a
thirst for knowledge on how to do things better; how to handle challenges better and yes, how to bounce back from failures; you can continue to grow. Try not to fall into the trap that growth is all about the increased size of your company. Although we are a smaller organization, the quality of our service and products, along with our creativity is substantial!
Most importantly, I think you have to be willing to be brave enough to stretch beyond what you think your limits are…or you will never get your business past the “toddler years”.
So now that we are limbered up, we are looking forward to the future celebrations of the milestones along the way.
Reach. Recall. Reaction.